Abstract: To fulfil the goal of College Management and to consume nutritional food in Mid-day by students and staff of varying ages living at rural area towards better satisfaction with food preferences, an in depth study has been conducted and critical analysis of field data with the reply of relevant developed questionnaire has also been made .The outcome is interesting and that has described and illustrated by available statistical tools by generating frequency table. Study reveals that gender, mother tongue and habitant back ground (rural / urban) has no impact on food choices. Age group between 18-25 years can afford to spend Rs 48/ per day with standard deviation of Rs± 18 whereas above 25 years can afford to spend Rs 39 / per day with standard deviation of Rs± 11.Age group between 18-25 years gives weightage 64% priority to nutrition over taste whereas above 25 years gives 54% priority in this respect. However, the preferred food item for lunch has been found to be rice with season available vegetables and the next preferred item is rice noodles . Hence it can be concluded that any rice based item can be served as this item is most preferable food item in Mid- day lunch for all age group living in rural area.
Keywords: Nutritional food , Mid-day lunch ,food preferences ,questionnaire.