Abstract: Electromyography (EMG) is a real time based experimental technique for assessment and recording a series of electrical signal that arise from body muscles and motor units. Different body exercises produce different electrical activity in body muscles. From the analysis of these electrical activities produced in different muscle, the degree of strain in concerned muscle can be interpreted and thus comparative benefit of the exercises can be commented. The purpose of this study is to determine the EMG activity of the Gastrocnemius muscle during step-up and skipping exercise. For the purposed research analysis a total of 18 participants were recruited and study was conducted using the EMG device (Trigno EMG wireless system, model: SP-W02A-1849 DELSYS, USA).The results show that for Gastrocnemius left leg muscle there is significant difference between the RMS values calculated for the EMG activity obtained from the different exercises with p-value being 0.011. Also for Gastrocnemius right leg muscle there is no significant difference in the EMG activity for the different exercises with p-value being .092. From inferential statistics it can be concluded that more electrical activity is produced during step-up exercise in the mentioned left leg muscle.
Keywords: Biomedical Signal Processing, Electromyography, RMS values, Gastrocnemius muscle, Statistical Analysis.