Abstract: Urbanization and industrialization has adversely affected our surrounding environment. Industries like tanning and textile are responsible for discharging toxic synthetic dyes into the water bodies which affects aquatic life, causes water pollution, and has become a great environmental concern. In the present piece of work, laccase enzyme was isolated from Broccoli. The enzyme activity was measured and the crude extract was subjected to the partial purification by salt precipitate method and dialysis. The maximum enzyme activity of the dialyzed sample was found to be 148.96IU. The kinetic parameter of laccase was studied and the optimum conditions were as follows: pH 6; temperature 1000C; incubation time was found to be 30 minutes. Decolourization of bromophenol blue by laccase was measured and determined to be 60% and decolourization of bromocresol green was 43%.
Keywords: Biodegradation, laccase, broccoli, bromophenol blue, bromocresol green.