Abstract: Deep fake videos, which employ artificial intelligence to manipulate and generate highly convincing fake content, have emerged as a significant threat to society, potentially undermining trust in visual media. Detecting these deceptive videos is outmost importance to combat the spread of misinformation and protect the integrity of digital media. In this study, we propose a novel approach for deep fake face video detection utilizing Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, a type of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Our approach capitalizes on the temporal patterns and context within video sequences, harnessing the unique strengths of LSTM in capturing sequential information. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our methodology by training the LSTM network on a diverse dataset comprising both real and deep fake videos. The network’s ability to learn temporal dependencies and identify inconsistencies in facial expressions, eye movements, and other subtle cues allows it to distinguish between genuine and manipulated content. To further enhance the accuracy and robustness of our deep fake face detection system, we integrate pre-processing techniques for frame-level analysis, such as optical flow computation and facial landmarks extraction. Additionally, we employ a comprehensive ensemble of LSTM models and other machine learning algorithms to improve the overall detection performance. In our experiments, we evaluate the LSTM-based deep fake detection system on a large-scale dataset of both known and unseen deep fake videos, achieving high detection accuracy and low false positive rates. We also compare our approach with existing methods, demonstrating its superiority in terms of robustness and generalization. The results of this study signify the potential of LSTM-based models for mitigating the adverse effects of deep fake content on society. As deep fake technology continues to evolve, our approach showcases a promising step towards combating the dissemination of deceptive multimedia, promoting media integrity, and upholding trust in visual information.
Keywords: LSTM Networks, Recurrent Neural Network, Optical flow computation, Facial landmarks extraction, False positive rates.
P. Neelima, N. Keerthi Lakshmi Prasanna, Y. Sravani, P. Maheswari,"Deep Fake Face Detection Using LSTM", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 11, no. 3, 2024, Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11339.