Abstract: A petrographic analysis of Archaean greywackes from the Northern part of Dharwar region Dharwar Supegroup indicates that much of the matrix are distinctly immature rocks wit poorly-sorted angular to sub-angular grains, comprising largely quartz, feldspar and lithic fragments. They are characterised by 37.26% quartz, 8.81% feldspar, 38.61% rock fragments, 3.45% carbonates and others 1.88% average of fifteen samples. Detrital quartz, feldspar and rock fragments are observed to contribute the matrix, feldspar and rock fragments principally sericitisation. The coarse grain greywacke shows decreasing in matrix content through the succession corresponding to an increase in detrital quartz, feldspar and rock fragments content. In the investigated area phyllites, metavolcanics and bif’s are also studied. More importantly puckering structures is commonly noticed in phyllites of the region.
Keywords: Dharwar, Greywackes, Detrital, Fragments, Sericitisation.