Abstract: India has diverse manpower field to support industries and manufacturing sector, today are facing major challenges in skill development. Country like India is developing and evolving as a high capacity manufacturing automotivesector in global market. India is recognised as one of the youngest nation in the world by 2020 .The average Indian work force is below 30 years of age ,Which is lower than any other manufacturing sector as it is observed with any other country like china ,Europe , US and Japan Now India has become second most populous country of the world the distinctive quality about the workforce in India abundance of human resources always attracted for competitive advantages for investment in manufacturing sector. In condition like India automotive sector is known as mass manufacturing sector which is already establish itself as leading manufacturing sector in employing skilled workforce. But more challenges are coming up in this sector that is huge manpower turnover, lack of skill training, this leads to quality inconstancy and simultaneously created threatening situation as a result of this Indian manufacturing is facing major hurdle to emerging as global manufacturing hub
Now this issue raised by automotive cluster How to face the challenges to overcome with this problem? Continues education for technically qualified youth is a strength of country but there should be systematically arrangework station training , structure up-skilling to provide a holistic understanding of overall manufacturing in terms of technology various other factors which is related to Quality , process engineering, safety etc. . This research paper study also help for understanding robust evaluation and deployment process which is needed to bridge the vast skill Gap in present industry situation.
Key words : Employability, Skill development, process constancy , role of industry cluster ,CSR .