Abstract: Solar energy is abundant and may be easily collected using solar cells and solar panels that are maintained on a regular basis. However, variables like as panel orientation, shading, wind speed, ambient temperature, precipitation, and dust deposition all impact solar cell efficiency, which is already poor. The maintenance of solar panels, in particular, is difficult due to soiling. To remove the material that has collected on the panels, manual and water-based cleaning treatments are commonly utilised. A complete analysis of soiling avoidance approaches is offered in this research with the goal of increasing solar panel energy collection. Following that, the technical specifics of an indigenously created automated water-free cleaning mechanism for removing soiling from solar panels are explained. The energy collection for PV panels cleaned using an automated solar panel cleaning solution over the course of a month is compared to the energy capture for filthy panels in a local solar panel installation, and the enhanced yield is calculated.
Keywords: Solar panel cleaning, Soiling, water-free Surface roughness, Yield increase, cleaning robot