Abstract: Solar photovoltaic water pumping system is becoming an important alternative for reducing the usage of fossil fuels and electricity to a large extent. Power from portable solar photovoltaic system was used for operation of Agriculture appliances thresher, chaff cutter, lighting, fan and water pump. A solar panel of 1280 W (4 solar modules of 320 W each with open circuit voltage 45.30 V) was used to operate the system. The direct current (DC) power of the solar panel was used to run the 1000 W AC used for lighting, fan and water pump. The portable system was tested for input and output current and voltage. The output capacity was found as 1 kW A 24 V/5 Ah may also be used to operate the portable power system in the absence of solar energy.

Key words: portable solar energy, Solar PV system, lighting, fan and water pump

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9517

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