Abstract: The zirconates of alkaline earth metals with the general formula MZrO3 (M = Ba, Sr, Ca) normally form perovskite structures and have been projected as potential structural and electronic ceramics. In suitable doped forms they have been claimed to become ionic and/or electronic conductors. However, among the other alkaline earth metal zirconates, barium metazirconate is a value added material, of great importance in the field of technical and electronic ceramics. The present paper deals with the effect of Gamma ray (10kGy) irradiation on the positron lifetime. The BZ ceramic bulk samples (3 mm thick, 10 mm dia.) were synthesized by the ceramic method. The phase of BZ samples were confirmed by comparing their XRD pattern with the standard ICDD pattern No. 74-1299.The grain size is 0.15 micrometer. The gamma irradiation was carried out using gamma chamber 900 with delivered dose of 10kGy available at ISRO Bengaluru. The positron annihilation was done at IGCAR Kalpakam. The life time values are almost same as the reference sample implying that either cationic or neutral vacancies were not formed in BZ due to gamma irradiation. The FTIR measurements were carried out using BOMEM spectrometer. The results show appreciable contraction of Zr-O bond length indicating the effect of hardening in irradiated sample.
Keywords – Barium Zirconate, positron Anihillation, FTIR