Abstract: Psychological factors or psychological parameters can play a major role in determining injuries in sports and physical activities. Although physical factors are involved in the sports injuries, the accident-prone profile appears to be dominated by psychosocial factors. The primary objective of the study is to determine the psychological and Occurrences of football Injuries ,The sampling method of the present research was the purposive method of sample design for football players. Data was collected through questionnaire form respondents from 1000 football players. The investigator is contacting the footballers individually and in some cases also at the venue of inter-university, state tournaments. A total of 578 injuries were detected among 1000 football players in one year during this period. A correlation test was taken to find out the relationship between Psychological Factors and occurrences of injuries of football players were correlated negatively with sum of the Psychological factors. To test for the effect of Psychological Factors on occurrences of football injuries, multiple regression analyses was carried out. Psychological Factors and the interaction term were regressed on overall occurrences of football injuries
Keywords: Factors, Occurrences, Injury, Football, Game