Abstract: Due to increase in population, there is need to develop the residence for all of them. In present era, it is not possible to expand in lateral direction, hence it is utmost important to expand in vertical direction. So tall buildings are need of present era. At present tall buildings are being constructed as a single unit. To reduce the heavy effect of an earthquake, the structure has large dimension at the bottom and smaller dimension at the top. To avoid this condition and provide uniform size throughout along the height, it is required to secure lateral stiffness in the overall supertall buildings in order to resist lateral load effectively. In this study, a single-unit building is divided into three or more units, and they are connected by outriggers as a lateral load resisting system to enhance the seismic performance of the building. This paper also discusses the use of outrigger at various locations and the optimum position of outrigger to achieve the minimum deflection. In the present paper, an investigation has been performed to examine the behavior of a reinforced concrete structure with a central core wall with and without outriggers. The parameters discussed in this paper include variation of bending moments, shear force, lateral deflection of the core and inter-story drifts for static and dynamic analysis as per IS:1893 (Part-1) - 2016.
Keywords: Belt-truss System, Bundled Tall Building, Dynamic Analysis, Seismic Load, Outrigger System, Storey Displacement, Storey Drift.