Abstract: Automation and Technology play a very big role in human life; we can’t imagine our life without automation. Then how can Livestock/ cattle live without these technologies. In north-western region of Rajasthan temperature goes varies high in summer days (approx 50o C). This high temperature affects livestock/ cattle health. It reduces milk yields. This affects livelihood as well as economy. There are many projects developed to avoid these types of critical situations using technologies like embedded-based, wireless sensor-based, IOT based. In this temperature-based cooling system for livestock and cattle farm in the western region of Rajasthan using Arduino system, the wireless temperature sensor senses the environmental temperature of cattle/ livestock shed and if the temperature goes high then the cooling system Fogger system start and when the temperature goes low then the fogger system goes off automatically. This system is controlled by Arduino. The temperature is also displayed on LCD display. And the owner can set the threshold value of high-low temperature using mobile communication through Bluetooth.
Keywords: Livestock, Arduino, Temperature Sensor, Fogger/ Mister, Bluetooth Module