Abstract: All over the world including India; annually a lot of agricultural crops are eaten away by the feral pigs [1]. This causes a lot of capital losses to the farmers. This invention traps feral pigs/ wild boars automatically without the requirement of any human input whether manually using strings or via some remote control. This invention has a pressure sensor as a trigger which sends signal to the control unit when the pressure sensor reads weight; piezoelectric sensor is used for this purpose. Then the control unit (Arduino Uno r3) sends signal solenoid actuator which actuates the trap by disengaging a locking mechanism of the cage and the cage falls down under earth’s gravity and catches the pigs of the sounder (a group of pigs) which are present directly under the above hanging cage.

Keywords: Wild boars, trap, piezoelectric, solenoid, feral pigs

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9559

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